I’ve partnered with Clairol to create this post
Let me start off by saying, when it comes to hair, I have been on quite the journey. From brunette to black to purple to red to blonde, and back again, I’ve learned more about hair color than I ever dreamed.
You may wonder what sparked this sudden urge to change my hair color in my twenties, and it’s time to be honest, I spotted a gray hair at 25 and freaked out. Since girls in their twenties rarely rave about these silver strands over weekend brunch, I didn’t realize how common this change of color is. Rather than accepting my hair as it was, I ran to the store and picked up a box of Clairol Natural Instincts hair color and colored my hair “nutmeg”. The process was incredibly simple and inexpensive, and my hair felt silky smooth and so refreshed! After a few months of black, I switched to a deep purple color, then that’s when I decided to book a hair appointment and go blonde.
While my hair was silky and thick during my at-home hair color days, my hair went through major turmoil during my year of highlighting. While my hair stylist was absolutely amazing and so professional, going from dark brunette to platinum blonde causes a lot of damage to your hair – no matter how careful you are. Though I loved my blonde locks, letting my hair go back to it’s natural color feels SO MUCH BETTER.
One thing I didn’t realize after coloring my hair brunette after a year of highlighting is that the color may fade and grays can pop up! – so to take control of my hair again, I’m restarting my Clairol Natural Instincts hair color routine…And I have to admit, I’m so excited.

While the idea of coloring your own hair can sound a bit nerve-wracking, Clairol Natural Instincts gives you the freedom to flirt with color! Clairol Natural Instincts gives you shiny, healthy looking color that only lasts 28 washes, so you can change your color whenever you want – without the commitment of a permanent dye and without ammonia! With over 30 colors to choose from, you have the ability to change your hair color in less than 15 minutes. (Note: it’s recommended that you make your hair 1-2 shades darker, not lighter)

The coloring process is so quick and simple. Once you unbox your coloring kit, you will find a pair of gloves and three products (make sure to take an allergy test beforehand and follow the instructions on the box!). Mix the two coloring formulas together then apply the product to your roots and all throughout your hair. After you’ve coated your hair, wait ten minutes, then rinse the formula out. Apply the conditioner in the shower for two minutes, then rinse. Voila! What makes this product so fun is that the color works so fast and your hair feels so silky and soft after!

In the past I used Nutmeg for an extra dark look, but this time I used “Dark Warm Brown” (Shade 4W/28B) and I love the results! My hair went from a faded brunette to a rich brunette with red undertones. Since I no longer have to commit and can flirt with color thanks to Clairol Natural Instincts, I’m excited to try a new color next month!

For those of you interested in changing your hair color, I completely recommend trying this product on your own. I’ve never been disappointed!
While this post was sponsored by Clairol, the opinions expressed are my own.