
5 Tips For Working From Home


I’m not exactly sure why this is, but there’s a certain stigma about working from home that people can’t seem to ignore. The most common (and hilarious) thing I hear when people ask about my job is “wow, you actually work all day?”. Sure, my snaps are sometimes filled with luncheons and spa appointments (which technically are for work) – BUT for the most part, I’m glued behind my computer from 7:30AM until 6:30PM any day I’m in Dallas. Those of you in an office setting may find this post irrelevant, but I’ve noticed a lot of people think “working from home” really means “taking the day off” – Why? I have absolutely no clue.

So today, I’m here to share five tips for working from home that keep me motivated and going throughout the day.

1. Get Dressed

As lovely as it is to roll out of bed and get right to work, getting dressed for the day is key to starting out on the right foot. Staying in pajamas all day is insanely comfy, but showering, fixing my hair, and getting dressed for the day makes me feel organized and put-together – as well as ready for any last minute Skype meeting or work errand.  

2. Wake Up Early

Though my job may not have set hours, the majority of the brands I work with are based around a corporate schedule – therefore staying on track with normal business hours is important for being a great partner. Being able to cross everything off of my to-do list before 10AM is always my goal, that way I can spend the rest of the day getting a headstart on future projects. As nice as “sleeping in” sounds, being productive and staying on track is much more relaxing!

how to work from home

3. Create A Schedule And Stick To It

The most important part of working from home is to create a schedule and stick to it. Though you don’t have to schedule in quick work breaks or solid lunch hours, creating a general plan that you repeat every week is necessary. I try to always schedule my meetings, conference calls, or shoots after 1:00, that way I can work uninterrupted all morning and feel organized by the time I change focus.

4. Eat At Home and Keep Snacks In The House

Though working from home gives me all the flexibility and time I need to run out to lunch at any point, I’ve found that leaving my house around lunchtime is the ultimate way to break up my concentration and throw off my day. Keeping groceries at home and making a quick bite to enjoy at my desk keeps me focused and satisfied, without breaking up my day.

Another trick to working from home is to keep a stash of tasty and delicious snacks nearby. The mid-afternoon break between lunch and dinner is definitely when I start to linger towards “snack accidents”, and even armed with the best of intentions, it’s a lot harder to stay away from ‘snacking accidents’ when I’m hangry and have no other options. With ZonePerfect Bars, I can keep the hangries at bay and enjoy #LittleWins™ at any point throughout the day. The Fudge Graham bar is my absolute favorite for satisfying my sweet tooth! All ZonePerfect Bars can be found at your local Walmart, and they come in so many delicious flavors! 

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5. Avoid The TV – No Brainer

My last tip for working at home is to avoid the TV. It may be easy to pop on the TV for a little background noise or a quick 30 minutes during a lunch break (hence why I have lunch at my desk, #4), but it’s easy to get distracted, and 30 minutes turns into an hour, and before you know it you’ve completely caught up with the Kardashians.

To keep myself occupied while working in my home all day, I love creating a lot of playlists to listen to throughout the day. Classical piano is perfect for writing, acoustic covers is my favorite for emailing, and today’s pop or a bit of EDM is my favorite for editing pictures. Whatever music you are into, switching up the television for playlists will definitely help you focus throughout the day!

If you work from home, what are your tips for staying motivated throughout the day? I’d love to hear!

I have been compensated by ZonePerfect for this post; however, I am sharing my own thoughts. All opinions are my own.

Comments (4)
  1. Love your post, these are all great ideas to stay on track! I have an office on my home in case my kiddos are home I can close my door from distractions.

  2. Andrea says:

    Great post and great and useful tips! Love your hair!

  3. Aleksandra says:

    Love the tips and the photos! Especially liked the tip about healthy snacks. Having a balanced lifestyle, eating lots of fruits and drinking plenty of water can have great positive impact on your productivity.

  4. Alice Lucas says:

    Love this! I work from home most mornings. I have found when I am stuck not feeling creative that I have to change my scenery or do something active. I have to take short breaks and set myself to time limits for my breaks.