5 Reasons Why You Should Think Twice Before Selling Old Designer Handbags

I’ll never forget the day my older sister got her first Louis Vuitton handbag. We were staying at the Grand Wailea in Hawaii, and there was a Louis Vuitton store in the shopping center next door. Blair was probably around 13 at the time, and our parents surprised her with a small shoulder bag as an early birthday present. From there, we were hooked.

Designer handbags have always been a special treat that marked a special occasion. From the coordinating Louis Vuitton and Gucci backpacks Blair and I got in Cannes in middle school to the Fendi 2Jours bag I purchased myself a year after I started this blog, designer handbags have always been more than just an accessory to me. They are a memory.

Sentiments aside, I’ve always believed in holding onto handbags – even when trends change. You see, the reason I invest in designer bags isn’t necessarily because it’s the “it-bag” that season, but rather because a quality bag holds its value over the years. The quality leather and craftsmanship is a major part of the luxury price tag. I still carry the classic black Gucci handbag my grandmother purchased when she was younger, which has taught me quality (and classic) handbags are worth the investment. 

We all know how frustrating it is when you splurge on a luxury handbag, then trends drastically change. For a while, logo-printed bags were a fashion faux-pas, but over the last couple years, they’ve resurfaced – Needless to say, I’m thrilled about that! Over the years I’ve seen so many girls sell their designer bags for a highly discounted price. Perhaps it’s out of style or you’re tired of it, so you sell it to put towards a new handbag. I totally get it. However the main setback for me is when you consign a bag, you only receive a fraction of what you paid. Since bags often hold their value OR increase their value over the years, I like to hold onto my bags for as long as I can – even if it means storing them deep in the back of my closet!

Get The Look:
Blazer Dress // Dior Saddle Bag // Christian Louboutin Heels

One thing to note is that I love bags, clothing, and shoes of all price ranges. In fact, I love my $15 Forever 21 travel bucket bag as much as any other bag – but unfortunately it broke after a year, RIP. It’s not the price point that makes an item special, it’s how it fits your style and makes you feel. However, I’ve learned from experience that designer heels don’t last forever if you wear them constantly, designer clothes may not always fit over the years, and poor quality handbags may eventually fall apart – despite how much you love it. What makes a designer handbag worth it is how it doesn’t receive THAT much wear and tear, it will last for decades, it will never be “too tight”, and it can make any inexpensive black dress look designer when worn together.

Out of all of the bags I’ve hoarded away in my closet over the years, the most surprising bag to make a comeback is the Dior Saddle Bag. You’ve probably seen this shoulder bag all over Instagram lately, but I am SO excited to see that Dior Saddle Bags are back. My mom surprised me with this pink Dior Saddle Bag back in 8th grade after I obsessed over Paris Hilton carrying it in the magazines, and I coveted that bag more than anything and still love it! What amazes me the most about the Dior Saddle Bag is how the prices have more than TRIPLED (currently $2,300-$8,500) since I bought it! Even the secondhand Saddle Bags have doubled in price! Needless to say I wouldn’t have received that bag in 8th grade if it was the price it is today…

I’m sure some of you will highly disagree with me on not selling handbags (to each their own), but keep reading for 5 reasons why I think you should think twice before selling a designer handbag when styles change:


The first thing you notice about a designer bag is the quality. From the beautiful leather to the incredible detailing, designer bags are built to last. Every so often, I’ll take my handbag to Denos for a bit of TLC on the leather, but the structure always remains the same. I still carry bags I purchased over 15 years ago, and they look brand new!


If you’re going to splurge on ONE item, I recommend splurging on a timeless designer handbag. Trends come and go, but a classic handbag will always remain in style and will last for decades to come. I personally love the Fendi 2Jours, Blair’s favorite is the Prada Saffiano, and Janie loves the Saint Laurent Sac de Jour. As much as I love logos like this one (still on my wish list), a simple leather bag will always be in style.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked in my closet thinking how some of my bags are so outdated, but trends always come and go, so it’s worth hanging onto a designer favorite if you have closet space. Just like the return of the logo bags and the Dior Saddle Bag, what seems outdated now may be the next big trend!


It’s so tempting to want to trade an older bag for a bit of cash to use towards a new bag, but the consignment rate on designer bags is typically much lower than what you originally paid. While I’m always up for reselling clothes, I’ve found holding on to handbags is usually worth it in the long run!


When I was in high school, it was easy to find a new designer handbag for less than $1,000. While it seemed like a lot at the time, it’s crazy to see how those same handbags are $2,000-$4,000+ today! What we would spend in high school for a large bag will now hardly cover the price of a clutch… if that. Though it may be frustrating to see the increase in handbag prices over the years, it is refreshing to know these bags hold their quality and value over time!

Though I personally don’t sell my handbags, I fully support buying second-hand designer handbags. Sites like eBay (have you seen their authenticated section?), the Real Real, Shopbop’s What Goes Around Comes Around, and Keeks are great sources for finding coveted bags at a great price! Regardless of the fact it’s not “brand new” when you receive it, the lifespan and durability of the bag will still be the same!

What’s your opinion on selling designer handbags? Let us know in the comments below!