Breastfeeding Tops Under $100

Nursing Tops For The Stylish Mom Under $100

Before Caroline was born, I spent my entire pregnancy prepping for her arrival. I went through countless checklists making sure her nursery was ready, read endless baby books and blogs to make sure we had everything we needed, and stocked up on adorable baby clothes. Preparing for her arrival was so much fun!  I felt as confident as I could be to start this new chapter, but I quickly realized there was one thing I didn’t consider – my wardrobe.

I like to keep a less is more mentality when it comes to my wardrobe. I love classic and timeless pieces, and I love investing in items that will last for years to come. That being said, when I started breastfeeding, I realized dressing for the day was function over fashion. Button-downs were now my everyday staple, so I could quickly feed Caroline wherever I was!

After re-wearing the same blouses weekly for months (this one is always my favorite and I have it in so many colors!) and factoring in the amount of spills and changes I made during the day, I realized it was time to expand my wardrobe with more breastfeeding tops while I kept my favorite crewneck sweaters on hold. This Amazon sweater has been my favorite throughout the year – and it’s so warm and cozy for the cooler months! It comes in so many colors, and I can’t recommend it enough!

As a new mom, the last thing I wanted to do was splurge on myself – so finding affordable (yet cute) styles was my priority! Today I’m sharing a round-up of trendy tops for breastfeeding under $100 that are both cute and functional for any new mom! Keep scrolling to shop my picks! 

Blouses For Breastfeeding Under $100

Cardigans For Breastfeeding Under $100