The Under $100 Clutch Every Girl Needs

Sponsored by Zappos, the opinions expressed are my own. To say that I have an obsession with clutches is a bit of an understatement. If you took a look in my closet you would see shelves and baskets slammed with…

6 Reasons Why Dallas Is A Great Place For Fashionistas

The higher the hair, the closer to God. Whether you love or hate the stereotypical Dallas style (big emphasis on stereotypical), Dallas has always been recognized for its style. In a region where it’s more acceptable to be over-dressed than…

What To Wear To A Black Tie Optional Affair

One of our favorite parts about living in Dallas is the glamorous social scene. There’s always a fabulous event to attend, which also means the perfect excuse to get dolled up for a festive night out. This weekend we’re attend…

The Top 4 Floral Trends For Fall

Growing up with the last name “Flowers”, it’s no surprise we’ve always shared a love of fresh blooms. Whether we’re entertaining or simply dolling up our homes, we love keeping bouquets of fresh flowers all around our space. Not only…

15 Safety Tips For Females Traveling Alone

Before I started travel blogging, the idea of going on vacation alone seemed a bit… odd. Why would I ever want to travel across the world alone? Wouldn’t I get bored? While I’ll dive into why you should travel alone…

The LBD For Every Occassion

The older I get, the more I appreciate versatile style. Sure it’s fun to have a closet slammed with sparkles, bright patterns, and ornate detailing – but I’ve learned to appreciate the quality over quantity when it comes to dressing.…

Why Millennials Should Move To Dallas

We Said Yes To Dallas, And You Should Too! What many of our readers (and surprisingly a handful of our friends) don’t know about us is that we are actually from Dothan – a small town in south Alabama. Though…

My Morning Skincare Routine: How To Layer Your Products

Products, products, and more products. Our drawers are always slammed with cleansers, serums, and SPFs, so it’s easy to get overwhelmed or confused by this plethora of products. You may wonder if all of these are necessary – and to…

Per Vigore: Insect-Repellent Fashion To Fight Zika

“A woman shouldn’t have to change her wardrobe simply because her body or the environment changes.” It’s hard to travel many places these days without hearing the word “Zika”, and as three sisters in our 20s, we strongly believe in…

Drug Store Beauty Finds: The Best $26 Anti-Aging Face Cream

Oftentimes people think the more expensive a product is, the better it works – but in reality, do expensive skin creams really work better? Today I’m excited to share a $26 drugstore find that will really work wonders for your…