How To Beat Humidity: 6 Fashion Tips To Stay Cool On Humid Days

There are plenty of perks to growing up in the South – we have sweet tea, easy access to white sand beaches, and of course, Southern hospitality. However, the one downfall of living in the South is that humidity is…

The Versatile Slip Dress

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend. This was my first weekend in Dallas in months, and it was so nice to have a low-key weekend with friends and family! I started the weekend off on Friday at…

12 Feminine Cocktail Dresses Under $100

Between the three of us, it seems we are always needing a cocktail dress. Whether we have a friend’s wedding, a class reunion, or a Dallas soiree, we are constantly trading dresses between the sisters. In the Fall it’s easy…

My Top 4 Favorite Self-Tanners For Every Budget

Growing up, there was nothing I loved more than soaking in the sun and leaving the beach with perfect tan lines during the summer. I had glowing skin nearly year round, and to be honest, I had no idea my…

7 Sweat-Proof Beauty Tips For Outdoor Weddings

The perfect flower arrangements, the romantic music, the organized guest list…. And the blaring heat. Yes, that’s right, summer weddings are coming and so are the scorching temperatures. Living in the South, we’ve come to accept humidity as a part…

TREND ALERT: Gaucho Jeans

Gauchos had a moment when I was in high school, and I have to admit, I LOVED these slouchy pants. While ours were more of a stretch material, these slinky pants were the absolute best – especially since we could…

6 Easy Ways To Fight Puffy Eyes

There’s nothing worse than waking up in the morning and catching a glimpse of those dreaded under eye bags and dark circles in the mirror. Whether it was a lack of sleep, too much wine before bed, or the occasional…

The Perfect Easter Dress Under $100

Is it just me, or is 2017 flying by? Perhaps it’s because every weekend is booked up through the Spring, and I’m already halfway through June before I have a free weekend. That’s crazy, right? Even though things are speeding…

12 Nail Polish Tips For Achieving The Perfect Manicure

Have you ever painted your nails and wondered why they don’t look as “perfect” as they do when you leave a nail salon? Or does it bother you when your nails chip on day two right before you have to…

Why You Should Use A Korean Skincare Regimen

When it comes to skincare, it’s easy to be overwhelmed with the plethora of products on the market. From serums to cleansers, luxury to drug store, how do you know which skincare regimen is best for your needs?  Well my…